Muralee Murugesu, PhD
Full Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences University of Ottawa Research Chair, Nanotechnology Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (613) 562-5800 ext. 2733 Office: Room 401, D'Iorio Hall Mail To: Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences STEM Complex, Room 342 University of Ottawa, Canada K1N 6N5 |
Muralee Murugesu was born in Negombo, Sri Lanka, but spent most of his younger years in Paris, France. He studied chemistry at the University of Denis Diderot-Paris 7, graduating in 1997. He went on to study at the University of East Anglia in England under the guidance of Prof. Annie K. Powell, and obtained his M.Sc. in 1999. His postgraduate studies were carried out at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany under the supervision of Prof. A. K. Powell, and he obtained his Ph.D. in 2002 with top honours. His first postdoctoral appointment was in magnetism, specifically Single-Molecule Magnets or SMMs, at the University of Florida under the guidance of Prof. George Christou from 2003 to 2005.
Muralee subsequently undertook a second postdoctoral position, from 2005 to 2006, working jointly between the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, San Francisco under the supervision of Prof. Jeffrey R. Long and Nobel Laureate Prof. Stanley B. Prusiner. In August 2006, Muralee became an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa, followed by Associate Professor in July of 2011, and full Professor in March of 2015. His research focuses on the design and development of new synthetic methods towards molecular materials. Awards and Recognitions 2021 CIC Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry – Canada Howard Alper Award for Excellence in Research – University of Ottawa 2018 JSPS Fellowship Award, Kyushu University – Fukuoka, Japan NSERC DG Accelerator Award – Canada NSERC DG-DND Award – Canada MINCyT Visiting Professorship – Buenos Aires, Argentina 2017 AMADEus Visiting Professorship – Bordeaux, France 2016 Elected Member to the Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists Visiting Professor, UNICAMP – Campinas, Brazil 2015 CSC Strem Chemicals "Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry" University Research Chair in Nanotechnology – University of Ottawa 2013 "Young Researcher of the Year" Award – University of Ottawa 2009 "Early Researcher" Award – Ontario, Canada "Vision 2010" Award – University of Ottawa, Canada |
Established in 2006 at the University of Ottawa, we began by focusing our attention on developing lanthanide-based molecular nano magnets termed Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs). Since then, we continue to venture in many areas of chemistry including Energetic Materials (EMs), Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs), luminescent molecular systems and conducting materials.
The group has grown since our humble beginnings. We are dedicated to developing these research topics using our knowledge in synthetic chemistry and physics. Our approach is unorthodox. It consists of developing novel materials, using a bottom-up approach and tailor made design.
Research Associate
Dr. Diogo Alves Gálico
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Luminescent materials, molecular magnetism, magneto-optical studies, and molecular clusters Academic Background: Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry, Instituto de Química da Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Campinas, Brazil. 2018 M.Sc. Science and Technology of Materials, UNESP Universidade/Bauru - São Paolo, Brazil. 2014 B.Sc. Chemistry, UNESP Universidade/Bauru - São Paolo, Brazil. 2012 |
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Alexandros A. Kitos
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Coordination chemistry, molecular magnetism, and hybrid luminescent-magnetic materials Academic Background: Ph.D. Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras - Patras, Greece. 2018 M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry (Nanotechnology), Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras - Patras, Greece. 2012 B.Sc. Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras - Patras, Greece. 2010 |
Ph.D. Students |
Neha Bajaj
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Coordination and organometallic chemistry, molecular magnetism Academic Background: Integrated BSMS Chemistry w/ Minor in Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Mohali, India. 2021 |
Maria Brzozowska
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Molecular magnetism, organometallic chemistry, lanthanide complexes Academic Background: M.Sc. Chemistry, Jagiellonian University - Krakow, Poland. 2024 B.Sc. Chemistry, Jagiellonian University - Krakow, Poland. 2022 |
Claudia Calado
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Luminescent molecular cluster-aggregates and lanthanide-based magneto-optical materials Academic Background: M.Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry, Inst. of Chemistry, State University of Campinas - Campinas, Brazil. 2021 B.Sc. in Technological and Industrial Chemistry, Inst. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Federal University of Alagoas - Maceió, Brazil. 2019 |
Roberto Diaz-Rodriguez
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Organometallic chemistry, luminescent and opto-magnetic materials, molecular magnetism Academic Background: MSc. Chemistry, Dalhousie University - Halifax, Canada. 2020 BSc. Chemistry, Dalhousie University - Halifax, Canada. 2018 |
Dylan Errulat
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: 4f-Organometallic chemistry, multinuclear complexes, and molecular magnetism Academic Background: B.Sc. Biopharmaceutical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry), University of Ottawa - Ottawa, Canada. 2016 |
Ao Jiao
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Molecular magnetism, luminescent materials, lanthanide-based magneto-optical materials Academic Background: M.Sc. Materials Chemistry, University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh, Scotland. 2022 B.Sc. Applied Chemistry, Hainan Normal University - Haikou, China. 2021 |
Niki Mavragani
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Coordination and organometallic chemistry, and molecular magnetism Academic Background: M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry (Nanotechnology), University of Patras - Patras, Greece. 2018 B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Patras - Patras, Greece. 2016 |
Josué Ortega Ramírez
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Luminescent and magnetic materials, organometallic chemistry, lanthanide complexes Academic Background: B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Guanajuato - Guanajuato, México. 2022 |
Vajeeha Urunikulavan
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Coordination and organometallic chemistry, molecular magnetism Academic Background: Integrated BSMS Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) - Tirupati, India. 2023 |
M.Sc. Students
Laurence Yeh
Email: [email protected] Topic of Research: Lanthanide and uranium chemistry, molecular magnetism Academic Background: Hons. B.Sc. Chemistry, Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario. 2021 |
Undergraduate Students
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Former Ph.D. Students
Former M.Sc. Students
Former Undergraduate Students
Nabeelah Ahmed
Anirudh Agarwal Aman Bahatti Melanie Brulotte Amokrane Chebini Sarah Eastman Carl Farah Michael John Christian Forberg Joseph Fleming Maxim Hajek Rayyan Ebrahim Clara Zwanziger |
Milad Hamwi
Bashir Hussain Amy-Jane Hutchings Edward Inch Marika Kay Romeo Kidi Maria Kilmento Benoît Mongeau Isidora Ntienjem Ide Pamir Rayan Ramdani Hussein Canoe |
Frédéric A. Perras
Mohammed Rashid Chouaib Redouane Allyson Ripley Sarah Sadek Hilarie Stein Siena Wong Di Zeng Sébastien Marcotte Felix Cob |
Former Visiting/Exchange Students
Anissa Benhamida
Bruno Bibard Will Blackaby Benjamin Bouny Rolando Carabello Salim Chenouf Candice Cottrez Hakan Dogan Mathilde Gilbert German Gomez Mohamed Hadj-Bashir Mariana Hamer |
Antonin Keller
Irina Kühne Daniel Martins Jaime Ocana Martins Emilie Molina Valerie Paprocki Sarah Petit Qi (Adam) Sun Virgile Trannoy Fanny Thorimbert Linda Zuckerman Sarah Castang |
Bruno Chemel
Rémy Pierron Armando Baca Antonia Pesch Aylin Nagel Essi Barkas |
2008-2022 © The Murugesu Group
Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences | Faculty of Science | University of Ottawa
Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences | Faculty of Science | University of Ottawa